Dance + Movement

Personal Work

In the remote village of Budondo, Uganda, I witnessed the inherent nature of dance for the first time. We put on house music for some of the village kids, something they had never heard before. Something in their eyes turned off, and something in their body turned on as their knees started to bop to the beat. Soon a full dance party erupted. They knew exactly how to move. It was pure magic. Dance and expressive movement has helped me work through some profound things in life. I once went to a Five Rhythms class and was able to process a traumatic event I was a part of. I danced with a spot on the floor that represented the experience and I could feel my subconscious doing its thing. Moving the body is not just an inherent part of who we are, it keeps us connected to our wildness and touches a primal portion of our souls like nothing else we do. This is a visual journal of some of my soirees into the dance scene, from festivals to break and beyond.


Ocean City Tourism

